ThetaSensual massage

The sensual massage is based on the technique of the classic tantric massage. The massage helps through the gentle and soft movements to relax the body and awaken the senses. The uniqueness of this massage technique is that it contributes to the awakening process, activation and strengthening of all sense organs.

The purpose of the sensual massage is not to awaken and satisfy the lust but to discover the body and playing with its responses to the touch. The body sensations and emotions you experience during the massage in the very moment are helping you in the everyday life to observe and sense your body and its signals. Furthermore, the massage is supporting that you turn to yourself with respect, acceptance and love as well as you become able to provide yourself all those things what your, soul is thirsting for and not to expect satisfaction from external sources.

Our body needs loving and caring touches from the first moment of our birth just like the breath and pure water. With time and years passing by, in the rushing lifestyle our possibilities are limited and we have less time to enjoy it in a substantial way together and we spend less time with enjoying the moments of touch: to experience in the touch our completeness and unity with ourselves and the universe.

The ThetaSensual massage is performed for therapeutic purposes with my hands and with taking in complete consideration your boundaries. Prior starting the massage we enter into theta brain wave which helps that the healing takes place in complete love and very gently but the same time on a deeper level.

The massage is performed with quality oils and essential oils. It is possible to take a shower before and after the massage as well.

You can make an appointment through e-mail. The e-mail address is

The duration of the massage is approx. 1,5 hours. The price is in Hungary 80.000 HUF, in Europe 310 EUR, in the USA 275 USD.

Cancellation policy:
cancellation 24 hours prior the massage 100% of the price is payable,
cancellation 72-24 hours prior the massage 50% of the price is payable.


Szív street 30. 3/11. 1063 Budapest
t: +36 30 900 5452
All inquirer are warm-heartedly welcomed!
Write an e-mail to me!
